Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nightwalk on Vermont

Rusty little shoes = time to purchase new creepersss!

Words can't even come close to how obsessed I am with this fur vest I got at Vince the other day.
It's so soft and and silky smooth on the inside. 
I don't really care if its freezing outside but, I refuse to wear this vest with a long sleeve underneath---
tried it...and it AIN'T HAPPENING!
I also feel like a a hip hop star in music video wearing this huge fur hovering over my body. 

Long asymmetrical button-down by StyleNanda 

Favorite watch---( only watch)

Went to this cafe called Bru Coffee Bar on Vermont.
I love how tight and cozy it feels in there and the interior design fits very well.
Check out the balcony in the back---perfect for drinking 5 cups of coffee and creepin' online for new shoes!!!

Noah being an obedient creeper aaaand----Chelsey being her usual squirrel self.
 wierdos...errrr...I mean...match made in heaven!

OK....let me just have a moment of silence to take this all in.

I saw Andrew's outfit last night and had to take photos of it. 
All the different colors work SO DAMN WELL on him...
AND those red suspenders are so rad...especially because it's skinny. (I hate fat suspenders just how I hate fat ties)
Outfit perfection. THE END.

xx Eurie

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